
Water Saving Tips

Small changes can make a big difference in the amount of water you use every day. If you have a water meter, all of these tips may help you to reduce your water bill and even if you do not have a meter, using water wisely and cutting down on the amount of hot water […]

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How to use less energy in your home

A few simple changes to the way you do things around the house can make a difference to your energy bills and your carbon footprint. These quick tips are the perfect way to trim your energy bills.

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Annual Tenants Report 2019

SLH together with a group of Tenants’ Committee representatives have published the Annual Tenant Report 2019. The report goes into detail about what weve achieved in 2019 and outlines some of our plans for the future. You can view the report here: Annual Tenants Report 2019 The Regulatory Standard on Tenant Involvement & Empowerment requires […]

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Annual Report and Financial Statements

SLH Annual Report & Financial Statements 2019 have been published. The key points of note from the Financial Statements are summarised as follows: Turnover has remained static in the year as a direct result of the 4th year of the 1% rent reduction offset by Right to Buy (RTB) sales and rents from recently acquired properties. […]

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South Lakes Housing welcomes tenants from Lune Valley Rural Housing Association

South Lakes Housing (SLH) today welcomes tenants from Lune Valley Rural Housing Association as part of a deal which will see SLH provide management and maintenance services under a 10-year Managing Agent partnership. SLH will carry out repairs, collect rents, upgrade homes, manage tenancies, let empty homes and help resolve anti-social behaviour as part […]

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South Lakes Housing Secures More Affordable Homes

SLH has purchased six affordable homes at Railway Cottages, Newby Bridge, thanks in part to a £282k grant from South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) and £234k grant from Homes England. Total funding was over £1 million. Councillor Jonathan Brook, Deputy Leader and Portfolio Holder for Housing and Innovation, said: This is a significant amount of […]

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Helping Tenants to Reduce Fuel Bills

South Lakes Housing are working with our approved contractor, Warm Front Limited, to carry out energy assessments of our homes. The inspections will enable us to identify if any energy-saving improvements can be carried out to our tenants home which will result in lower fuel bills for our tenants. Richard Hayes, SLH Director of Assets […]

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Our Responsibility to You: Reducing Radon Levels in Homes

South Lakes Housing is working with Public Health England (PHE) to identify and reduce potentially high levels of radon in our properties. We have a responsibility to our tenants under Duty of Care and the Housing Act to provide a safe home. Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas which if present in high concentrations […]

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Closure of Yewbarrow Lodge, Sheltered Housing Scheme, Grange-Over-Sands

South Lakes Housing (SLH) have spoken with residents to inform them about the eventual closure of the Yewbarrow Lodge Sheltered Housing scheme in Grange-Over-Sands. The decision was taken following a review of current and future demand for sheltered housing, where currently a third of the flats remain vacant with some empty for over two years. […]

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App launched to combat social isolation

A ground-breaking pilot scheme designed to reconnect older people with their communities and banish social isolation is underway. The MobileAge project aims to use specially developed technology to encourage older people to be more active and combat loneliness. The social prescribing app, developed by experts at Lancaster University as part of a two-year Europe-wide study, […]

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Keeping tenants safe

SLH wants its tenants to feel safer and installing Aicos new 3000 Series alarms and Carbon Monoxide Alarms will help them do just that. Aico, the UKs market leader in mains powered domestic Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarms, is supplying SLH with its 3000 Series Alarms to provide protection to tenants across a range of […]

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G1 and V1 ratings confirmed by the Regulator of Social Housing

South Lakes Housing has today received confirmation of the highest regulatory judgement for both governance and viability from the Regulator of Social Housing (RSH) following an In Depth Assessment (IDA), conducted over the past 3 months. The intensive process involved scrutinising documental evidence, interviews with the Executive and Chair of the Board and the Audit […]

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Tenant fined for unlawfully sub-letting a property

Tenants have been warned that sub-letting their properties to others is illegal and could land them in court. The warning comes after South Lakeland District Council (SLDC) prosecuted a man for sub-letting a South Lakes Housing property for which he held an assured tenancy the first prosecution of this kind in the district under legislation […]

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More homes on the way

SLH are now advertising two new 3 bed houses for Shared Ownership in a development at Church Bank Gardens, Burton in Kendal. These form part of an ambitious development programme to deliver over 300 new affordable homes across the South Lakeland District in the next few years. Whilst there will inevitably need to be some […]

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Annual Report & Financial Statements 2018

The Board have today published their Annual Report & Financial Statements 2018 for the financial year ending 31st March 2018. The report and accounts were received and adopted at the Annual General Meeting of shareholders on 27th September 2018. The accounts include a report on Value for Money (VfM) in line with the requirements of […]

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