End My Tenancy

Please log in to My Account to give up your tenancy. You must give us four weeks’ notice ending on a Sunday. Please also read, sign and return the checklist to ensure that the property is returned to SLH in a good state of repair and avoid any recharges: Returning an SLH Home Checklist

    Name of Tenants:

    I/We hereby give Notice (being not less than four weeks*) that I intend to give up the tenancy of


    Reason for terminating tenancy:

    [group deceasedgroup1]
    Please indicate when South Lakes Housing can expect the keys to be returned


    [group standardnotice1]


    *Please note: Where a tenant is deceased the tenancy will end on the Monday following the return of the keys

    Future Address or Power of Attorney/Executors Address

    [group inspectiondatetime]


    MorningAfternoonAll day


    South Lakes Housing will formally acknowledge your termination within 1 working day, if you have any additional questions at this stage please email us at customerservices@southlakeshousing.co.uk