Our Summer 2024 Tenant Satisfaction Measure Survey is now live!!!
Following completion of the 2023/24 Tenant Satisfaction Measures (TSM) Customer Satisfaction Survey Results, we are delighted to announce that our Summer 2024 Tenant Satisfaction Measures Survey is now live, giving customers the opportunity to share their views about our services and us. We are already using the results of the 2023/24 survey to build on what you said we did well and develop what you said we could improve.
TLF Research, an independent research company will be contacting some customers either via telephone or online to ask a series of questions which have been developed by the Regulator of Social Housing. We encourage everyone contacted to take part in this survey.
TLF Research have been appointed by us, at South Lakes Housing to undertake these surveys. They will be contacting a large ‘representative’ sample of our customers that have been selected at random, to give us a balanced view of current Tenant Satisfaction Measures. So, if you are a SLH customer and receive a phone-call, text message or email from TLF Research, we’d really appreciate it if you could please spare around 5-10 minutes of your time to answer a few questions.
The survey is completely confidential and anonymous, so please feel free to give honest feedback. You may have been contacted already, or be contacted in the near future or not at all, as TLF will randomly select the customers to contact.
We will get to see the mid-year results later in the summer and will be contacting customers (who have not completed the survey anonymously) where we see a negative comment. This will help us to get a better understanding and discuss a resolution.
Later in the year, we will ask TLF Research to undertake the surveys again, and only contact the customers who haven’t been contacted currently. You will not be asked to complete this survey twice.
Did you know you can now see our last year’s result by clicking on the following link: TSM Customer Satisfaction Survey Results – South Lakes Housing.
We have included some comparable information, carried out by Housemark, so see how our results compare to some of other social housing providers. You may find this information also useful.
Why is this survey taking place?
We are conducting a Customer Satisfaction Survey to help understand our overall Customer Satisfaction to help us understand what we do well and how the services we offer could also be improved. The results will be used to calculate the annual Tenant Satisfaction Measure which will be reported to the Regulator of Social Housing.
What is a Customer Satisfaction Survey?
Customer Satisfaction is about us looking at our customers opinions, whether positive or negative, and about how customers feel about our services.
Is the survey legitimate?
Yes, the survey is being run by TLF Research, an independent research agency, on behalf of South Lakes Housing. TLF Research is a customer satisfaction and loyalty research company based in Huddersfield.
How will surveys be carried out?
Twice a year, TLF Research will conduct a customer satisfaction survey on behalf of South Lakes Housing. They’ll contact over 500 customers randomly selected to gather feedback on our services. TLF follows a code of conduct to ensure they treat you with respect and gather unbiased feedback. The survey will focus solely on our services to understand how well we deliver these for you.
Calls will be made during the day and early evening, not later than 8:30 pm. Please don’t worry about getting a call or feel like you need to stay at home if you haven’t been contacted about doing a survey at a specific time. If you miss a call from TLF, they’ll simply try you again at another time and there will be no pressure to take part. We don’t want this to be a concern or an inconvenience and they’ll will never expect you to call them back, so there’s no cost to you.
If you miss a call, TLF will attempt again at another time. Your participation is important to help us and provide you with a better service. We’ll share the survey findings and results, once they’ve been reviewed and analysed.
How long will the telephone survey take?
The telephone survey won’t take too long to answer, around 5-10 minutes, although that will depend on the depth of your answers. The questions are focussed on things that we know matter to customers.
Will my answers be anonymous?
Yes, all surveys will be returned to TLF Research who will compile the data and feedback to us on a ‘total basis’. Any identifying or personal data will not be provided with your answers back to South Lakes Housing unless you give your permission to do so in the survey.
What if I am not asked?
If you are not approached to give feedback on this occasion, you are still very welcome to tell us how you feel. You can do this by completing our online contact form.
How will the results be used?
The results from the survey will inform service improvement priorities for 2025. Where Customer responses highlight service areas for improvement, then that will be reflected in the way in which we plan our work and set our priorities for the coming year.
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