SLH Launches New Video and Photograph Technology Trial

South Lakes Housing (SLH) is launching a new video and photograph technology trial called Eviid. This technology will allow us to remotely see what our customers see.  Customers will have complete control over their device and SLH will only see what the customer allows us to see. The software is GDPR compliant.

What does this technology do?

  • Eviid Uploader- customers can instantly upload photos or videos from a phone/pc/tablet for our colleagues to instantly view.
  • Eviid Assist- downloadable app that allows live 2-way video calls between our customers and colleagues.

How does this technology work? 

Eviid Uploader:

  1. A link is sent to our customers via text message or email.
  2. Instructions are shown on the browser
  3. Take a photo/video and upload it straight from the device being used
  4. Our teams can then easily assess

Eviid Assist:

  1. A link is sent to our customers via text message or email.
  2. Download the Eviid app (from App Store/Play Store)
  3. Click the button Live View to start a video call

What are the benefits of using this technology?

  • Better diagnostics of repairs in customers homes will result in more repairs being completed right first time.
  • It will allow customers to visually show us a repair they are unable to describe.
  • The communication channels between our colleagues and our customers will be improved.
  • Essential repairs can be seen and addressed easier and faster.
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