Fire Safety

As your landlord, fire safety is a top priority for us and we work very hard to ensure that our homes are as safe as possible.

It’s important to familiarise yourself with the exit routes for your home, what the fire policy is whether to ‘Stay Put’ or ‘Evacuate’ and how to call the Fire Service in the event of a fire.

There are lots of things you can to do to stop a fire from happening in your home. If you want to make sure that you’re safe or know more about what you should do in the event of a fire, then take a look at our tips below.

If you have any concerns about fire safety in your home, please contact our Customer hub on 0300 303 8540  or send us an email to
  • What should I do if there’s a fire in my home?Read More
    1. Have an escape plan and make sure that everyone knows it
    2. Let everyone in your home know that there’s a smoke alarm going off and make your way to your escape route
    3. Close the fire doors behind you to stop the fire from spreading
    4. Crawl along the floor if there’s smoke – the air will be clearer
    5. Once you’re safe outside, call 999 for the fire emergency services.

    Once you’re safe outside, call 999 for the fire emergency service.

  • Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs)Read More

    If you are unable to evacuate your home in the event of a fire – due to either a permanent or temporary disability, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can carry out a ‘Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan’ (PEEP) with you.

    If you live in a block of flats, sheltered scheme or Extra Care Scheme and are unable to escape via the stairs, please let us know by contacting us on 0300 303 8540. Information about any customers with mobility problems is held in the fireproof box on the ground floor. Therefore, the Fire Service have these detailed Fire Emergency Evacuation Plans immediately as they arrive, so should evacuation be necessary they will provide you with assistance.

  • Smoke AlarmsRead More

    We follow Building Regulation requirements, and install smoke alarms and heat detectors where appropriate in your property. We recommend you regularly test the batteries in your smoke alarms.

    What are smoke alarms

    A smoke alarm (also known as a smoke detector) is a device that detects fire in its early stages and gives a loud audible warning.

    Smoke alarms save lives -smoke alarms could help you to save your home and the lives of your family.

  • Electrical equipmentRead More

    We carry out an Electrical inspection on a regular cycle to ensure the safety of your installation.

    Electrical equipment can be very dangerous if it’s not used and looked after properly. Here are a few things you can do to stop an electrical fire in your home:

    • If a wire or plug looks damaged then do not use it.
    • If there are scorch marks around a plug on the wall then do not plug anything into it.
    • Do not plug more than one thing into each socket.
    • Switch off and unplug things when you are not using them.
    • Make sure that wires are not tangled. When a wire is tangled and electricity is running through it the wire can get extremely hot and start a fire.
    • Keep portable heaters away from curtains and furniture and never use them to dry clothes.
  • Fires or heatersRead More
    • When you are not in the room make sure you turn off your fire or electric heater.
    • Do not leave your fire or electric heater on overnight.
    • Do not leave anything close to a fire or heater.
    • If you have a portable electric heater then make sure you do not position it right next to a wall or piece of furniture.
    • If you use an electric blanket then make sure you switch it off before you go to bed.
  • KitchenRead More
    • Keep your cooker clear
    • Don’t leave the kitchen unattended when cooking
    • Avoid deep frying wherever possible
    • Keep tea towels and cloths away from the hob.
  • Living Room or BedroomRead More
    • Keep any candles in a heat resistant holder and never leave them unattended
    • If you smoke, make sure to stub out cigarettes thoroughly and dispose of them carefully
    • Keep any matches or lighters out of the reach of children
    • Never smoke in bed.
  • Communal AreasRead More
    • Do not store anything in communal areas including rubbish, bikes, clothes and shoes, prams or mobility scooters
    • Keep all storage cupboards locked
    • Never keep flammable items like liquids or gas in storage cupboards.
  • Fire DoorsRead More

    Fire doors are a critical element in fire safety and can delay the spread of fire and smoke, protecting your life and home.

    Importance of fire doors:

    •  To save lives, fire doors must work correctly
    • They must be fitted with the correct and compatible components suited to the door leaf and its purpose
    • Like any fire safety device, they should be installed and maintained by competent people
    • Never prop open a fire door.

    As part of our fire risk assessment, it is important we carry out safety checks to all fire doors in your building, including flat entrance doors to your home.

    Remember these three simple fire door safety rules…

    1. When you go to bed shut your doors
    2. In the event of a fire, make sure all fire doors are closed
    3. If you think anything is wrong with a fire door, please report it to us by calling 0300 303 8540
  • Fire Risk AssestmentsRead More

    To request a copy of the Fire Risk Assessment for your building, please send us an email to
    We’ll then send you a copy via E-mail