Pet Contract & Declaration

Please complete the information below. This contract is intended to be in addition to the tenancy agreement made between you and South Lakes Housing. For those Sheltered Housing Tenants with an emergency carer for their pets, please ensure that the section at the end of this form is completed by that individual.


    Full Name (Applicant One)

    Full Name (Applicant Two)

    Do you plan on keeping a pet at your new home?

    [group GroupKeepingaPet]

    If you are planning on keeping pets at your new home, please state what these pets are:


    You have read and agreed to the attached Pets Policy in respect of this property.


    You will keep your pet in a responsible manner and provide proper care for it, including accessing pet training if necessary.


    You will ensure that the pet is not a dangerous breed (See Dangerous Dogs Act 1991).


    You will ensure the pet is not allowed to roam or foul in communal areas, or make excessive noise.


    You agree to ensure that the pet is not left alone for long periods of time.


    You agree not to intentionally carry out breeding of the pet on the premises.


    You agree that you are responsible for cleaning up after the pet. Pet litter/waste must be disposed of using sealed bags.


    You agree that should the pet cause damage/infestation to South Lakes Housing property, you may be recharged for the cost of repairing this damage/pest control.


    You agree that you are responsible for re-homing the pet if this is necessary and that South Lakes Housing takes no responsibility for rehoming the pet.


    You agree that your South Lakes Housing property is only suitable for most domestic animals including cats, dogs, rabbits, rodents, fish, caged birds such as budgies and parrots, and reptiles such as lizards can be kept.


    You agree that other animals which must not be kept include livestock, horses , wild animals such as crocodiles; big cats, wolves, poisonous snake or a poisonous spider.

    If the terms of this contract are broken there is sufficient cause for South Lakes Housing to take action against the occupants for breach of tenancy.


    I declare that I have read and understand the contents of the Pet Contract.

    For Sheltered Housing Tenants Only

    This section must be completed by the individual who will look after your pet in the event of you being away from the property for a period of time. It should not be someone who lives a long way from your property for obvious practicality reasons.



    Contact Number

    [group GroupNOTKeepingaPet]


    You have read and agreed to the attached Pets Policy in respect of this property.

    If the terms of this contract are broken there is sufficient cause for South Lakes Housing to take action against the occupants for breach of tenancy.


    I declare that I have read and understand the contents of the Pet Contract.


    By completing this section, I agree to allow South Lakes Housing to record my details further to the terms of the Privacy Policy.